Pics from the galleries

Feb 28, 2010

I've been reading a lot of travel writing on the net lately, and I've found some gems among the epic pile of crap that gets passed off as journalism.

Here's a link to one of my favourites, just a excerpt from a piece in Men's Journal about skiing the highest peak in Death Valley, CA, and I believe (but could well be wrong) the highest peak in the States.

Anyway, here's the link, have a read if you've got some spare time, and let me know what you think.

Feb 25, 2010

Dave with a Method.

Feb 23, 2010

Forget spins, forget grabs, all the kids are doing Beer Airs now, as coined by Stu:

Feb 21, 2010

Slackcountry - Using resort lifts to reach a backcountry area - i.e hiking to an area outside the ski boundary from the top of the resort's lifts. As opposed to Backcountry where altitude gain is done entirely by foot and is not within a resort boundary.

As I write this, Revelstoke's out of bounds victim tally stands as follows:

* Two dead
* 13 nights spent outside
* 12 helicopter rescues

It's a haunting reminder of how easily things can go wrong outside the ski boundary, when people head out unprepared, without the right gear, or in stupid conditions.
It also weighs on your mind when you duck the rope for a hike out of bounds, even if it's just outside the controlled area.

Click read more for my perspective on hiking out of bounds.

Feb 17, 2010

My workplace..

Feb 15, 2010

The title says it all.

Every time I meet someone new the conversation always goes the same way:

Person: 'So, how long are you here for?'
Stu: 'Oh, I'm here for the season then doing a road trip through the US.'
Person: 'Okay, so what are you doing here?'
Stu: 'I'm snowboarding.'
Person: 'Yeah, but what sort of work are you doing?'
Stu: 'No, I'm just snowboarding.'
Person: 'I don't understand...'

Click read more to continue...

Feb 9, 2010

Apologies for a lack of posts, there's a whole bunch of photo-related things but they're on a memory card which does not want to share its electronic delights with my laptop...

Anyway, in better news, the snow is about to arrive, and arrive biiiiiig:

Powderrrr daaaays ahead (ignore the brutally high freezing level... damn you El Nino)

Forecast courtesy of and some awesome print screen/paint skills. Wait, no, skillz. Yeah.

Feb 4, 2010

Paz slaying a drop near the top of Meet the Neighbours. Fair to say the neighbours were suitably impressed.