Pics from the galleries

Aug 5, 2010

After a week and a half of going insane trying to sell my van, Deckers said 'Stu, let's go hiking'.. and so we did.

Two days of glacial mayhem, sweat, port, and canned chilli. Mmmm yeah we smelled good.

Anyway, click read more for the story.

Aug 4, 2010

Yosemite was so rad that it needed a whole special post of its own.

Mark & I had three days of adventure (ADVENTURE!!!) in Yosemite, starting with a wicked (wicked as in awesome and wicked as in WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY THIGHS YOU EVIL PIECE OF CRAP) hike to the top of Yosemite Falls and on to North Point, some bouldering action and another sweet hike up Nevada Falls, via Mist Trail, rattlesnakes and bears.

Click read more for the story.

Aug 3, 2010

It was with a weird sense of excitement and relief that I crossed back into Canada. The time in the States was awesome, I had so much fun, but it never really felt like MY country - it always felt like it was a little too different to be normal.

Canada, on the other hand, feels like home, and so it was a sense of homecoming that I crossed the border back to the Great White North.

Click read more to see just how flipping rad Canada is in summer!

Aug 2, 2010

The recap continues!

From here we head back to San Fran and Santa Cruz, to Yosemite, and then up north through the States to Canada again.

Click read more to come along for the ride and experience my awesome ability to fit over a month of adventure into about two minutes of reading time!

Whoa heeeey time flies! Getting Stoked has been MIA for two and a half months! You know the saying.. Time flies, and all that.

So, as my epic voyage comes to a close, it's time for a quick recap of all that's happened since the last post.

Click read more for it.