Snowboarding tomorrow means setting up boards, putting boots on, strapping into bindings and hopping around the house today.

Click read more for a run-down of the A-Team's lineup for season 09/10!

P.S Apologies for the lack of Revelstoke/Calgary pics, we've been a bit lazy on the ol' camera/really really ridiculously busy trying to organise stuff/I'm stealing this Internet off someone and it keeps cutting out.

Read more dammit, read more!

Okay, just to give you the intro, Jesse and Stu are on new board/binding setups, Paz is on his old board with pretty new bindings, and Croz's board isn't in the photo. Despite this, there is more than enough board porn to keep you occupied throughout this post.

On the left is Jesse's new baby, an '09 Nitro Team board with '09 K2 Formulas. Paz's deck is in the middle, a Fanatic Fear board (we don't know much about it, but it's mid-flex and pretty fun) with some spanky new Salomon bindings. Stu's is on the right, a Salomon Grip with '09 K2 Formulas, the board is really low-camber, so much that it almost looks flat.

As for how they ride, that can only be answered tomorrow, when Revelstoke opens for a sneak peek for two days, closes Mon-Thurs then opens for good on Friday (freakin yay). Pics will be up Sunday night (Pacific time), not going to take the camera up on the first day out of fear of falling too much and crushing it to tiny, tiny pieces. Like, sub-atomic, given how long it's been since I've snowboarded.

And I promise shots of the house, car (who is called Ron Burgundy, and is extremely, extremely amazingly beautiful), and town in the veery near future.