Whoa heeeey time flies! Getting Stoked has been MIA for two and a half months! You know the saying.. Time flies, and all that.

So, as my epic voyage comes to a close, it's time for a quick recap of all that's happened since the last post.

Click read more for it.

So, jumping back in time, mid-May was the time of Team Awesome:

(L-R) Fil, Eva, Stu, Cal, Tom, Kristen, TJ, Lucy, John.

The crew began before San Fran but was whittled down to Stu, Cal, Tom and Fil by the time we hit the Fog City, leading into a week or so of fantastic adventure. Team Awesome was known for its insanely competitive beach volleyball games in Santa Cruz:

The Winnie:

The black and white attack of the balloon lady:

Fil's fake glasses, nicknames (Sven, Jonas come to mind) and some very awesome ladies:


And then, as quickly as it started, Team Awesome ended when everyone (except me!) went home. As is the thing with travelling though, as soon as one chapter ends another opens. The chapter immediately following Team Awesome was the incredibly outrageous Bay To Breakers festival in San Fran.
Apologies to those who have seen the photos, I'll only post a ton.
Basically, Bay To Breakers is an excuse for San Fran to take its reputation for colour and enhance the crap out of it, everyone dresses up and gets really drunk and walks around the city, vaguely following a path laid out which some daring creatures run. Everyone else does it in costume or naked, sometimes starting with one and working towards the other.

Fireman Brendan and the gang:

Kira steam-rolling a horny couple

Mario and Luigi's beer bong:

My kidnappers (hey don't look too enthusiastic girl on the left):

Aaaand a very angry Bride-man:

After Bay To Breakers, it was up to Sacramento to hang with the Coachella gang and two of the biggest legends in the universe, Kari & Mal. It was a few days of sunshine, parties (some featuring up to five live bands), and radical food.


Mal (and Mark):

This seems like a good point to split this post into a second one, because it was about here that Mark arrived, and, well, mayhem. Look out for part 2!